Captain’s log – week 10

Today’s chronicle – car date 11.3.2010:

Bonzo: “It’s 7:11, let’s go to 7-11!”
(followed by an explanation of why she said that – apparently it dates back to her childhood)

Binky: “my friends and I do the 11:11 thing where you make a wish.”

The Captain: “I thought it was a prayer at 11:11”
Binky: “prayer, wish…whatever”
The Captain: “Just think about next year on 11/11/11 at 11:11”

Binky and Bonzo then go on about 12/12/12 at 12:12 and Bonzo says something about 2013 and then a bicker match occurs.

Binky: “you can’t do 13”
Bonzo: “yes you can if you use military time”
Binky: “but you can’t do 13
Bonzo….says something about military time again
Binky: “there is no 13th month”
Bonzo: (blah blah something unintelligble) “Listen young lady!”
Binky: “You can’t call me young lady!”
Bonzo: “I’m older than you”
Binky: “ Not in the way you…you…act. Besides, we are in the same grade so that makes you my PEER. Calling me ‘young lady’ is condescending!”

Oddly enough, Bonzo does not deny this accusation about the way she acts.  She OWNS IT!

A little bicker match happens regarding the difference in age and it went something like this:

Binky: “besides, you aren’t even a year older. You were born in April.”

Bonzo: “ummm yeah, I am a year plus older because I was BORN IN APRIL! I was a year old BEFORE you were born.”

Binky: “oh….yeah”

Once again…the ‘tuck and roll’ option reared it’s ugly head and at one point I had to make note that the van had come to a complete stop and they were therefore allowed to simply take it outside, and then the light changed to green. They were actually PRAYING for red lights on the way to school so they could “take it outside”

THEN…they decided that I needed a “code name” other than referring to myself as The Captain. Of course the one thing they could agree on was that it should be Captain plus some combination of THEIR code names. Binky wants “Captain Bonky” and Bonzo wants “Captain Bonko” but as you can CLEARLY see, I have chosen to remain simply The Captain. I win!

Then, my saving grace, the song that brought it all back to normal “Love Like Woe” by The Ready Set came on the radio. It might have been 2 notes into the music and Binky was all “TURN THIS UP! TURN THIS UP!” And like a good mom, knowing that it would bring the crazy to an end if they would simply SHUT UP AND SING… I obliged.

Sing us out The Ready Set!

Captain’s log – week 9:

I have realized that for this (chronicling of the Binky and the Bonzo) to work, I am going to need some recording equipment.  These two fire off a conversation at mach speed!  I can hardly keep up!

I also realized that the girls are starting to settle in to the routine of high school.  This past week there were actually moments of silence in the car.  However my favorite part of the week was from Tuesday (October 26th), here are my notes from that day:

The B&B were fighting over me today.  First Binky disowned me (I cannot recall why) and then Bonzo claimed ownership of me and then they “fought” over owning me.  Someone was actually laying fingers on me as representation of ownership.  I think it was Bonzo.  I was feeling the love!  At one point Binky said “What!?! You wanna take this outside? Tuck and roll!  Tuck and roll!

note to reader: we were in a moving vehicle

at one point, the laughter became a threat to urinary continence – good thing we were close to the school!