
I knew a girl

who was a pawn in the game of chess between her divorced parents

who defined herself by the labels that others apply
who saught solace in physical pain because emotional pain hurts too much

who cried alone because she believes tears are a sign of weakness

who was afraid of being a girl because she thinks that they are not strong
who was happy when her parents divorced because she thought the fighting would stop
who is confused because the people who are supposed to love and accept her unconditionally simply don’t seem to know what acceptance and unconditional mean.
who defines her sexuality out of fear but is afraid to admit that.
who seeks attention

who loves her little brothers and keeps herself a slave to her fathers tyranny
so that she can continue to be a part of their life.

who has no idea of the power she possess to control her own life
who wants out of the circle of chaos but feels trapped inside of it

who does not realize that this chaos is temporary

who is seeking a life in Christ but all of THIS keeps flying at her

I know a young woman who does not realize that she is no longer a little girl and that her life and future are hers to determine.

I know a young woman

who is smart

who is beautiful
who is strong

who loves

who is loved
who matters

who wants to be happy

Who matters to God and I hope that some day she realizes that her value and worth come from Him and that He decided that she was worth the cost of His son.

I know a young woman who is priceless