GranDawn’s Log: Month 10

nat10moDear Nathalie,

This month will forever go down as the time that Grandfather yelled at me to call 9-1-1 because you were trying to poop.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Your bowel movement was an emergency situation.   In his defense, you were congested when we took you that day and you DO sound like you are hyperventilating when you are trying to poop, but for those of us who WEREN’T holding you, it did not seem like it quite warranted an ambulance.  It took another episode of your hyperventilating and crying and holding on to my shoulders while bearing down like your life depended on it before that spectacular poop finally appeared…and then, you were a different child.  You went from BLAH and sleepy to WOO HOO!!  LET’S PARTY!!  It’s amazing what a good poop can do for a tiny person.  This has led to the addition of Wellements Baby Move being added to your care arsenal…you seem to like it …even though we gave it to you incorrectly – straight, no chaser.   Apparently, you are supposed to dilute it in 2oz of formula or juice…oops.   Your father must have tried it the same way because he said it made his tongue tingle…but when you realize all of your father’s food allergies and sensitivities, that could have just been a specific to him thing… in the end, you’re still alive, it’s all good.  (Which really could be a motto for parents everywhere.)

During the same weekend, we decided to give you a sippy cup for the first time (at our house) and you REALLY like sippy cups…I am not sure what made it harder to get that thing away from you – the GRIP you had on the handles or the VACUUM created by the force of suction while you tried to inhale the contents – regardless the struggle was REAL!

We had you overnight on a Saturday…big mistake for our Sunday plans.  We apparently didn’t realize that you would be such a Diva in regards to your sleep placement.  Pack& Play be damned!!  It was crib (which we don’t have) or adult human torso for you, nothing else was good enough.  Which meant that your grandparents did not get enough rest to be able to function let alone prepared to BE anyplace other than on the couch in pajamas at 9 am.  This is a wee tad frustrating considering that the Pack&Play was where you slept for most of your life to this point…and I do NOT want to invest in a crib DAGNABIT!

Other things that happened during this time:

You did get to visit your family in Ohio again…Mummy says that you enjoy patting your Grandpa Doug’s belly.

Easter came and went…  you were pretty indifferent to it all, the parents decided against putting a basket together for you (no jelly beans for baby) but Mummy did have THREE cute dresses for you.  One was sparkly, one was frilly, and the other was a bit more casual.  All of them adorable.

You continue to explore new foods.  Sweet potatoes were a hit… real ones, not baby food. One time when we dropped you off to your daddy, Grandfather and I had to leave as your father threatened to feed you a cheese poof called Chester’s Puffcorn because we did not want to be witness to that kind of debauchery. (For future reference, they are delicious)

You are really getting the hang of standing up.  You no longer need assistance to get things out of the toybox at our house… you just zoom-crawl to it and stand up and dig in…you don’t need no stinkin’ grown-ups to help.

You do not like the feel of grass.

You were bitten by one of your kitties (Dash, I think) after you hit her upside the head with a toy phone.  You are less grabby toward kitties now.  The wound quickly healed… we are still watching your psyche.

And finally, I was able to spend some one on one time with you this week.  It was great fun until you needed to poo (yes, that again) it was like trying to talk someone through a labor pain.  Seriously… your distress is heartbreaking and your mummy and daddy are trying to find solutions.  Back in the day (meaning when your mummy was a baby) your mummy had the same kind of problem…not as severe… and her pediatrician had me put Karo syrup in her bottles…  not something I would do these days after knowing what I know now – the Mayo Clinic says:

“Don’t treat infant constipation with corn syrup. Dark corn syrup was once a common home remedy for infant constipation. However, today’s commercially prepared dark corn syrup might not contain the type of chemical structure that draws fluid into the intestine and softens stool.”


Not to mention… I theorize that to be the reason your mother has a sugar addiction such a sweet tooth.


I think that covers month number ten… I know that you did not get any Jelly Beans for Easter tiny one and odds are you are heartbroken (not really)… but don’t forget…GranDawn loves jelly beans and she really likes discounted items and the day after Easter… you come see me next year, I will share.

You keep growing teeth, Chikorita, there are lots of foods for you to explore,

Love, GranDawn